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Allison Stanton

Clinical Coordinator


Allison is born and raised Bay Area. She's been working as a birth doula since 2010 and has been called a 'baby whisperer' for as long as she can remember. Perhaps she inherited the proclivity to care for babies and new parents from her mother and grandmother who supported homebirth in rural Philippines. But it was the empowering experience of her first son's birth, in a hospital, with a doula, that served as a catalyst into birth work. She currently provides doula services to clients across the East Bay. Allison has supported dozens of labors alongside Gwen and Ellie and from these roots in birth grew her role in the Golden Oak office.


As Golden Oak’s Clinical Coordinator, Allison enjoys being part of a dynamic team of women who provide the best possible care to new families. Allison serves as our clients’ primary point of contact for welcoming new clients into the Golden Oak family; scheduling appointments; managing insurance and billing; disability claims and other paperwork; and generally supporting the smooth operation of the practice.  


When she’s not birthing or in the office, she’s hanging with her two sons, indoor gardening, or walking Lake Merritt.


Allison can be reached at:




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